Command Line Program Documentation

purdy Command

Displays a highlighted version of python text to the screen as if it is being typed

usage: purdy [-h] [--version] [-l {con,py3,bash,dbash,node,yaml,rst,md,none}]
             [--maxheight MAXHEIGHT] [-c] [-x16] [-d DELAY | -w WPM]
             [--variance VARIANCE]

Positional Arguments


Name of file to parse

Named Arguments


show program’s version number and exit

-l, --lexer

Possible choices: con, py3, bash, dbash, node, yaml, rst, md, none

Name of lexer to use to parse the file. Choices are: “con” (Python 3 Console), “py3” (Python 3 Source), “bash” (Bash Console), “dbash” (Bash Console with a dollar-sign prompt), “node” (JavaScript Node.js Console), “yaml” (YAML Doc), “rst” (RST Doc), “md” (Markdown Doc), “none” (No Parsing). If no choice given, attempts to determine the result automatically. If it cannot detect it, it assumes Python 3.

Default: “detect”


Sets a maximum screen height for the TUI screen viewer. Ignored if not in TUI mode.

Default: 0

-c, --continuous

Instead of prentending to type like a human, just dump the file to the screen

Default: False


Force 16 colour terminal mode in case 256 is not working to the screen

Default: False

-d, --delay

Amount of time between each letter when in typewriter mode. Specified in milliseconds. Defaults to 130ms

-w, --wpm

Number of words per minute that the typing speed should look like


To make the typing look more real there is a variance in the delay between keystrokes. This value, in milliseconds is how much to go over or under the delay by. Defaults to +/- 30ms

pat Command

This command prints ANSI colourized versions of a file, parsing the file based on a limited number of pygments lexers. ‘pat’ is part of the ‘purdy’ library. A list of supported lexers is available in the help. If no lexer is specified the library attempts to determine which lexer to use automatically.

usage: pat [-h] [-l {con,py3,bash,dbash,node,yaml,rst,md,none}] [--version]
           [--num NUM] [--highlight HIGHLIGHT]

Positional Arguments


Name of file to parse

Named Arguments

-l, --lexer

Possible choices: con, py3, bash, dbash, node, yaml, rst, md, none

Name of lexer to use to parse the file. Choices are: “con” (Python 3 Console), “py3” (Python 3 Source), “bash” (Bash Console), “dbash” (Bash Console with a dollar-sign prompt), “node” (JavaScript Node.js Console), “yaml” (YAML Doc), “rst” (RST Doc), “md” (Markdown Doc), “none” (No Parsing). If no choice given, attempts to determine the result automatically. If it cannot detect it, it assumes Python 3.

Default: “detect”


show program’s version number and exit


Display line numbers with code starting with the value given here

Default: -1

--highlight, --hl

Highlight certain line numbers when displaying the code. Line numbers are 1-indexed. Multiple lines can be higlighted using a hyphen for range (e.g. 1-4, inclusive) or a comma separated list (e.g. 1-4,7,9 is line 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 9).

prat Command

This command prints colourized RTF version of a file, parsing the file based on a limited number of pygments lexers. ‘prat’ is part of the ‘purdy’ library. A list of supported lexers is available in the help. If no lexer is specified the library attempts to determine which lexer to user automatically.

usage: prat [-h] [-l {con,py3,bash,dbash,node,yaml,rst,md,none}] [--version]
            [--num NUM] [--background BACKGROUND] [--highlight HIGHLIGHT]

Positional Arguments


Name of file to parse

Named Arguments

-l, --lexer

Possible choices: con, py3, bash, dbash, node, yaml, rst, md, none

Name of lexer to use to parse the file. Choices are: “con” (Python 3 Console), “py3” (Python 3 Source), “bash” (Bash Console), “dbash” (Bash Console with a dollar-sign prompt), “node” (JavaScript Node.js Console), “yaml” (YAML Doc), “rst” (RST Doc), “md” (Markdown Doc), “none” (No Parsing). If no choice given, attempts to determine the result automatically. If it cannot detect it, it assumes Python 3.

Default: “detect”


show program’s version number and exit


Display line numbers with code starting with the value given here

Default: -1

--background, --bg

Change the background colour of the document. When using the –highlight option, you you should also set a background colour, otherwise the background will turn white due to how RTF supports colouring. Format of the colour is like an HTML colour, e.g. #c1b455, without the leading #

--highlight, --hl

Highlight certain line numbers when displaying the code. Line numbers are 1-indexed. Multiple lines can be higlighted using a hyphen for range (e.g. 1-4, inclusive) or a comma separated list (e.g. 1-4,7,9 is line 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 9).

subpurdy Command

Purdy is a library and set of command line tools for displaying code. You can write your own code to display specific content using the library, or use the subcommands of this program for preset usages. The ‘purdy’ command uses the Urwid library to display a colourized version of your code in the console, and is a wrapper to the subcommand of the same name.

usage: subpurdy [-h] [-l {con,py3,bash,dbash,node,yaml,rst,md,none}]
                {purdy,tokens,print,html,rtf} ... filename

Positional Arguments


Name of file to parse

Named Arguments

-l, --lexer

Possible choices: con, py3, bash, dbash, node, yaml, rst, md, none

Name of lexer to use to parse the file. Choices are: “con” (Python 3 Console), “py3” (Python 3 Source), “bash” (Bash Console), “dbash” (Bash Console with a dollar-sign prompt), “node” (JavaScript Node.js Console), “yaml” (YAML Doc), “rst” (RST Doc), “md” (Markdown Doc), “none” (No Parsing). If no choice given, attempts to determine the result automatically. If it cannot detect it, it assumes Python 3.

Default: “detect”


show program’s version number and exit



Possible choices: purdy, tokens, print, html, rtf



Display code in a interactive console window. Code is written to the screen as if it is being typed

subpurdy purdy [-h] [-c] [-x16] [-d DELAY | -w WPM] [--variance VARIANCE]
Named Arguments
-c, --continuous

Instead of prentending to type like a human, just dump the file to the screen

Default: False


Force 16 colour terminal mode in case 256 is not working to the screen

Default: False

-d, --delay

Amount of time between each letter when in typewriter mode. Specified in milliseconds. Defaults to 130ms

-w, --wpm

Number of words per minute that the typing speed should look like


To make the typing look more real there is a variance in the delay between keystrokes. This value, in milliseconds is how much to go over or under the delay by. Defaults to +/- 30ms


Prints out each line in a file with the corresponding tokens indented beneath it

subpurdy tokens [-h] [--blackandwhite]
Named Arguments
--blackandwhite, --bw

By default code lines are highlighted using ANSI colour. This flag turns this off.

Default: False


Prints code to screen using colourized ANSI escape sequences

subpurdy print [-h] [--num NUM] [--highlight HIGHLIGHT]
Named Arguments

Display line numbers with code starting with the value given here

Default: -1

--highlight, --hl

Highlight certain line numbers when displaying the code. Line numbers are 1-indexed. Multiple lines can be higlighted using a hyphen for range (e.g. 1-4, inclusive) or a comma separated list (e.g. 1-4,7,9 is line 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 9).


Prints code to screen formatted as an HTML div

subpurdy html [-h] [--num NUM] [--highlight HIGHLIGHT] [--full]
Named Arguments

Display line numbers with code starting with the value given here

Default: -1

--highlight, --hl

Highlight certain line numbers when displaying the code. Line numbers are 1-indexed. Multiple lines can be higlighted using a hyphen for range (e.g. 1-4, inclusive) or a comma separated list (e.g. 1-4,7,9 is line 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 9).


By default only a snippet of HTML is displayed inside a <div>. This flag produces a full HTML document.

Default: False


Prints code to screen formatted as an RTF document

subpurdy rtf [-h] [--num NUM] [--background BACKGROUND]
             [--highlight HIGHLIGHT]
Named Arguments

Display line numbers with code starting with the value given here

Default: -1

--background, --bg

Change the background colour of the document. When using the –highlight option, you you should also set a background colour, otherwise the background will turn white due to how RTF supports colouring. Format of the colour is like an HTML colour, e.g. #c1b455, without the leading #

--highlight, --hl

Highlight certain line numbers when displaying the code. Line numbers are 1-indexed. Multiple lines can be higlighted using a hyphen for range (e.g. 1-4, inclusive) or a comma separated list (e.g. 1-4,7,9 is line 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 9).